On November 8, General Motors workers stood in solidarity to protest the COVID jab mandate on a sidewalk in front of the GM Tech Center in Warren, MI.
Cars and trucks blew horns and shouted their support from rolled-down windows as they drove by Ford and Stellantis and GM workers who stood along the busy road holding a variety of homemade signs intended to deliver a strong message to their employers: “Unvaccinated Lives Matter”…”NO Vax Mandate”…”Honk 4 Medical Freedom!”…”Freedom is not Fear,” and “Courage is Contagious,” are just a few examples of the signs held by the autoworkers. An autoworker approached me as I drove by, holding up a sign that read “Let’s Go, Brandon!”
#GM workers protest against #VaccineMandate @GM @Ford & @Stellantis workers will host HUGE anti-Vax mandate protest on Nov 10th at OSHA building 11am- 2pm: 315 Allegan St. Lansing pic.twitter.com/j453f6Hvlp
— @SassyConservativeGirl45 (@SassyConservat1) November 9, 2021
The United Auto Workers union, one of the top donors to the Democratic Party, is thumbing their noses at the Biden regime’s authoritarian COVID jab mandate. In a statement from the Joint Task Force, General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler announced Tuesday they will withhold vaccine mandates for thousands of employees but will require on-site masking after negotiations with the United Auto Workers.
Here is the statement from the UAW:
At a meeting Monday evening, the COVID-19 Joint Task Force, comprised of the UAW, Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis, has aligned on a policy of voluntary and confidential disclosure of vaccination status for UAW members. Each company will provide additional communication to employees on how, where, and when to report their vaccination status.
In addition to encouraging members to disclose their vaccination status, the Task Force continues to urge all members, coworkers, and their families to get vaccinated and get booster vaccinations against COVID-19, while understanding that there are personal reasons that may prevent some members from being vaccinated, such as health issues or religious beliefs.
After reviewing the status of CDC and OSHA guidelines, the Task Force also decided it is in the best interest of worker safety to continue masks in all worksites at this time.
While it is understood that masks can be uncomfortable, the spread of the Delta variant and recent data outlining the continued high rate of transmission in some geographic areas continue to be a serious health threat.
One of the best ways to fight this virus is by getting as many people as possible vaccinated. The more UAW members, coworkers and their families are vaccinated and have boosters, the quicker this deadly pandemic can be vanquished.
The Task Force will continue to closely monitor the COVID health status, and all legal and procedural changes to CDC and OSHA guidelines in order to ensure that everything possible is being done to keep families, members, and employees safe.
Newsmax reports – A Department of Labor (DOL) regulation issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on Nov. 5 required all private businesses with 100 or more employees to mandate vaccines or regular testing by Jan. 4.
The OSHA rule& was temporarily blocked Nov. 12 by the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit after a lawsuit was filed on behalf of the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Utah – as well as various companies, religious groups, and private citizens.
The Biden administration asked the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on Tuesday to rescind the temporary stay of the OSHA rule, CNN reported.
A majority of union autoworkers were dyed-in-the-wool Democrats before Donald J. Trump entered the presidential race in 2016. They blindly followed UAW leadership and voted for Democrats who did nothing to protect their jobs. President Trump’s commitment to American manufacturing changed the hearts and minds of so many Democrat-supporting union workers that Trump won Macomb County, MI, where many of the blue-collar workers live and work. Trump’s victory marked the first time a Republican presidential candidate won the highly coveted county since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

As it turns out, Michiganders, regardless of their political affiliation, are not fans of relinquishing their freedoms to authoritarian regimes. Tyrannical COVID mandates by the Biden regime, coupled with the overreaching and unconstitutional lockdowns by Michigan’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, will undoubtedly harm the Democrat Party in upcoming elections.
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