Meghan McCain 'burst into tears' after co-host Joy Behar said live on air that she didn't miss her when the new mother returned from maternity leave.
'I had been gone for three months and I assumed they had missed me... I was wrong,' McCain says in her upcoming audio memoir Bad Republican.
In January, on her second day back from leave, she was having a squabble with Behar about the state of the Democratic Party. 'To ease the tension, I said: ''Joy, you missed me so much when I was on maternity leave.''
'I did not,' Joy said. 'I did not miss you. Zero.'
McCain said she felt vulnerable after giving birth, because she suffered from post-partum anxiety.
'Joy seemed to smell that vulnerability like a shark smells blood in the water, and she took after it. When we broke for commercial I burst into tears — not just like tearing up — uncontrollable sobbing,' McCain says in her memoir, available on Audible on October 21.

Meghan McCain says in her upcoming memoir that she 'broke into tears' after co-host Joy Behar said live on air that she didn't miss her when the new mother returned from maternity leave

McCain said she felt vulnerable after giving birth. 'Joy seemed to smell that vulnerability like a shark smells blood in the water, and she took after it,' she says

McCain's audio memoir Bad Republican is available on Audible on October 21
McCain continues, 'Until that moment it hadn't even occurred to me that Joy hadn't missed me. She texted me to see a baby picture of Liberty and she had seemed happy for me. We chatted in a friendly way. I believe that despite all our differences, deep down we had a mutual understanding of respect for each other.
'Nothing anyone has ever said to me on camera, since I have been giving interviews, since I was 22 years old, has ever hit this hard,' McCain says. 'I felt like I'd been slapped. She yelled out at me sharp and intensely, and I believed her.'
''That's so nasty,'' I said, unable to hide my shock. ''That's so rude.'''
McCain quit the show in July, after, she said, the other hosts especially Whoopi Goldberg and Behar turned on her.
She went to a coffee shop straight after she announced she was going. The Abba song, Take a Chance on Me was playing.
'The people behind the counter were dancing to the song smiling and laughing. Abba was my dad's favorite band. I felt like it was a sign from him. I was making the right decision.'
McCain says in her memoir that she only joined The View at the insistence of her dying father, Senator John McCain.'s new columnist wanted to turn down the offer of an interview for the leading daytime TV talk show, but as they sat in a doctor's waiting room for an appointment for her dad's terminal brain cancer, he told her she had to do it.
She even told her agent: 'My dad made me call you back. He says you have to go back to ABC and say I'm interested,' she says in the memoir.
'I'm here with him at cancer treatment, so I guess I have to do whatever he wants.'
McCain, 36, had been on the show before as a guest host and she thought that was all the network was going to offer her this time. 'I always was the bridesmaid, never the bride.
'They would say, you can be rotating guest hosts every three weeks. And I would say: ''No way. I'm nobody's fourth choice.'''
She also believed the show was dying as it bled audience to CBS's The Talk and she thought there was too much showbiz content and not enough politics.
'The show is bad,' she told her father. 'They're always talking about celebrities and yelling at each other, plus they have a huge turnover rate, no one survives more than a season.
'That's why they need you,' the Arizona senator replied.
McCain, who had quit her job at Fox News to help look after her father, did eventually join for an rollercoaster three years on the show.

She says that she wanted to turn down the offer of an interview for The View, but her father John McCain, who was getting cancer treatment, said she had to do it. They're pictured on set of The View in 2017

McCain even told her agent: 'My dad made me call you back. He says you have to go back to ABC and say I'm interested'

McCain said she told her agent, 'I'm here with him at cancer treatment, so I guess I have to do whatever he wants.' She's pictured with her father and Whoopi Goldberg
McCain dishes on The View's guests, revealing who she liked and who she didn't.
'James Comey was so slick and rehearsed that he was a terrible guest. Rachel Maddow same thing,' she says. 'Nathan Lane was a d**k. It made me so mad because I loved him before I met him.
'Jamie Lee Curtis is one of the most wonderful angel ladies. Terry Crews has always been an incredible guest. Tyler Perry is lovely, smart and so supportive…he has this miraculous energy about him, it's gravitational.'
But she says the worst guest of all was Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro.
'She came on the show and told us we all had Trump Derangement Syndrome, and when we pushed back, she became instantly enraged.'
Pirro ended up throwing her microphone, hitting McCain on the chest, and claiming she had done more for black women than Goldberg ever had, while throwing around the word c**ksuckers at all of the hosts.
'Who says c**ksucker, much less shouts it 1,000 times?' asks McCain. 'It's the dumbest word.
'I heard Whoopi yelling at her to get the hell out of the building.
'Pirro went on Sean Hannity's show that night and recalled the episode as if she'd been an innocent victim and Whoopi was insane. I yelled at my TV when I saw that.'
Donald Trump Jr. was also awful when he came on for the show's 5,000th episode, the conservative host said.
'It was a disaster. He packed the audience with Trump supporters and brought his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle who I used to work with at Fox News, before she was fired for allegedly sending around penis pictures.
'It felt a lot like an episode of the Jerry Springer Show or an MMA cage match.'

McCain dishes on The View's guests, leaving no doubt who she liked and who she didn't. 'James Comey was so slick and rehearsed that he was a terrible guest,' she says

McCain said of having Tyler Perry as a guest, 'He is lovely, smart and so supportive…he has this miraculous energy about him, it's gravitational'

McCain says the worst guest of all was Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro. 'She came on the show and told us we all had Trump Derangement Syndrome, and when we pushed back, she became instantly enraged'
McCain tells of how President Trump called her at the height of his attacks on her father. He had just made 'another cruel comment' about the senator. 'I can't even remember which one, because he did it almost compulsively.'
She said she didn't want to take the call and rang her father who told her 'You can't blow off the President of the United States.'

McCain quit the show in July, shortly after returning from maternity leave after the birth of her daughter Liberty, when, she said, the other hosts, especially Whoopi Goldberg and Behar turned on her
'So I took the call. Trump didn't apologize but he said the recording was wrong. I just stayed quiet and listened to him talk. Then Melania got on the line and said: 'We love you. We love your dad.'
'No you don't,' I said. It was the weirdest experience because Trump had said so many things on the record trashing my dad, and now he was telling me that I shouldn't be mad about it.
'He wouldn't change his tactics either. He would go on to talk about my father over and over again, always in derogatory ways.
'For years he made a sport of beating the crap out of my family, and he didn't let up once he got into the Oval Office. Trump had supporters boo my father at a rally. He fought the lowering of the flag in my dad's honor when he died.'
Even as she was writing her manuscript he tweeted that John McCain was one of the most overrated people in DC.
'I thought: Go to sleep a**hole it's 12:30 at night.'
It was the second call she had ever got from Trump. The first was in 2012 when he wanted her to appear on The Apprentice.
'He told me how amazing the show was and how I had to do it. He kept saying if I did the show, I will be a winner. My only distinct memory of the call is that he used the word winner over and over again.
'I never took any of the show offers fortunately because I'm more private than I think the average person on TV is. Still, to this day whenever I see a celebrity embarrassing themselves on a reality show, I think there but for the grace of God go I.'

McCain tells of how President Trump called her at the height of his attacks on her father. 'Trump had supporters boo my father at a rally. He fought the lowering of the flag in my dad's honor when he died,' she says

Meghan McCain,'s newest columnist, makes the claims about her experience on The View and more in her upcoming memoir Bad Republican
At the time she was becoming known as a party girl, hanging out with minor celebrities such as Tila Tequila — who at one stage hinted they were having a lesbian affair.
Her father took her aside and told her 'You're making a jacka** of yourself. I'm getting phone calls and I don't like it.
'You know that everybody's embarrassed for you. They're not saying it because they're being polite, but everyone's embarrassed.
She called the talk a 'sliding doors moment' after the Gwyneth Paltrow movie of the same name, and she did clean up her act.
'It's not like I entered a nunnery, but I stopped being stupid publicly as much as possible.'
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