President Joe Biden's big immigration bill will be delayed until April as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi struggles to find enough Democratic votes.
Politico reported Thursday that Democrats took a whip count this week and found that the package wouldn't pass as-is.
Instead, they'll send the legislation through the Judiciary Committee and pass smaller immigration bills this month.

President Joe Biden's big immigration package doesn't even have enough Democratic votes in the House to pass, so it will go through the Judiciary Committee, with the process starting in April

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to find enough Democratic votes to pass President Joe Biden's big immigration bill that would provide a pathway to citizenship for nearly all of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

Yadiel Garcia and his father Fabricio, who are from Honduras, kneel in prayer during a migrant demonstration in Tijuana, Mexico earlier this week. They are demanding clearer migration policies from the Biden administration wearing shirts saying 'Let us in!'
The Hill newspaper reported that one of those bills will be legislation that provides a path to citizenship for the so-called 'Dreamers' - immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
On inauguration day, Biden signed an executive order fortifying DACA - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
The Obama-era program, that came under legal assault during the Trump years, deferred deportation for Dreamers who met certain criteria.
Congressional legislation would take Dreamers out of limbo and allow them to become U.S. citizens.
Another smaller bill the House will likely take up, according to the Hill, is one that would expand visa and citizenship opportunities for migrant farmworkers.
Biden's broader bill on immigration provides an eight year path to citizenship for most of the 11 million undocumented people living in the United States.
It also makes family-based or 'chain' immigration easier.
The package also expands the number of worker visas, allowing foreigners to come to the United States for jobs.
The bill isn't focused, as much, on border enforcement.
Last month, Biden sent a letter to Congress rescinding the national emergency order that allowed for the financing of former President Donald Trump's border wall.
During his first public speech since leaving office, it was Biden's immigration policy that Trump hammered the Democrat on the most.
'The Biden people are pushing a bill that would grant mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, while massively expanding chain migration,' Trump said Sunday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida. 'That's where you come in and everybody comes in - your grandmother, your father, your mother, your brother, your cousins.'
Trump called the Biden plan 'so crazy, so crazy.'
'And Republicans must ensure that it is never allowed to become federal law,' the former president said.
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