Far left New York Governor Andrew Cuomo this week admitted he is literally begging wealthy New Yorkers to come back to save the city.
Nearly a half a million New Yorkers left the city earlier this year to flee the Covid crisis.
Many wealthy residents flocked to their summer homes in Connecticut or the Hamptons.
Cuomo failed the people of New York with his edict ordering Covid patients back into nursing homes.
Thousands of elderly died because of Cuomo’s dangerous Covid order.
As New York was suffering from Covid, Cuomo and de Blasio sat back as Black Lives Matter militants destroyed businesses and looted stores.
Crime spiked in wealthy New York City neighborhoods. Crime is up 286% on the Upper East Side and the Democrat officials responded by defunding and defanging the NYPD.
Cuomo said at a press conference on Monday that he is begging wealthiest residents who left the city to come back: ‘I literally talk to people all day long who are in their Hamptons house who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house or in their Connecticut weekend house, and I say, “You gotta come back, when are you coming back?”
“‘We’ll go to dinner, I’ll buy you a drink. “‘Come over, I’ll cook.”
‘They’re not coming back right now. And you know what else they’re thinking? If I stay there, I pay a lower income tax because they don’t pay the New York City surcharge,’ he said.
Cuomo and de Blasio may have just realized their Marxism has permanently chased away the wealthiest 1% who pay half of the city’s taxes.
‘A single per cent of New York’s population pays half of the state’s taxes and they’re the most mobile people on the globe,’ Cuomo said.
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