Joe Biden’s foreign policy is a disaster for America. No doubt it will enrich the Biden family and their accomplices around the world but not the average American.
The Biden family enriched themselves while Joe Biden served as Obama’s Vice President. A Biden presidency would no doubt increase the Biden’s riches off of the backs of Americans even more.
The AP released an article over the weekend describing the Biden foreign policy that a president Biden would supposedly implement. The article never mentions Biden’s son Hunter receiving billions from China and the Ukraine, which he did during the Obama years; instead, it reinstates the Obama-destroy-America agenda.
The article reads like a campaign ad:
With few exceptions, Americans could expect Biden to re-engage with traditional allies. Where the iconoclastic Trump has used blunt threats and insults to press his case, Biden, a former senator, would be more inclined to seek common ground.Historically, U.S. foreign policy hasn’t changed drastically as the presidency shifted between Democratic and Republican administrations. Allies and adversaries stayed the same and a non-partisan diplomatic corps pursued American interests.That changed with Trump. Under his “America First” policy, he viewed both allies and the foreign policy establishment with suspicion, while speaking warmly of adversaries like North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin.But Trump found it hard to make swift changes. Academics often say that American foreign policy is like an aircraft carrier: easy to order a wholesale change of direction from the bridge but far more difficult and time-consuming to alter course.Trump saw that when he was unable to extricate the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal for more than year. His well-publicized withdrawals from the Paris Climate Accord and the World Health Organization won’t actually become final until after the Nov. 3 election, if ever. His decision to redeploy thousands of troops from Germany could take years.
The AP notes that Biden will bring the US back into the Paris Climate accords [where billions of taxpayer dollars go to who knows where], the Iran deal [where billions were sent to Iran], the Middle East mess [where American soldiers give their lives so the military complex can gain riches], and other Obama era mistakes.
The article also notes that Biden’s team will be “experienced”, noting Susan Rice is a finalist for Biden’s VP. The Biden team at the AP doesn’t mention Biden’s actions with China, only disparages Trump’s.
Of course the AP never touches President Trump’s annihilation of ISIS, which flourished under Obama/Biden. They ignore the containment of Iran under President Trump and the end of Iran’s terrorist leader Soleimani. They ignore the America first trade deals with Japan, South Korea, China, the EU, Mexico and Canada. They ignore how President Trump has some countries paying more into NATO than ever before.
They ignore that the US is now energy independent, no longer dependent on the Middle East oil, and the world’s number one oil producer. They ignore President Trump’s space initiative which will ensure American security into the future.
The more you look at the AP article the more it actually sounds like China wrote it.
Pardon the language but Biden’s foreign policy makes as much sense as his discussion about kids rubbing his legs and cockroaches and stuff:
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