Thursday, 28 May 2020

Trump Blows the Media Out of the Water with Epic Message After Finishing Hydroxychloroquine Treatments

President Donald Trump has finished a two-week regimen of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine and is taking a victory lap, reminding those who opposed his taking of the drug that he survived it.
That statement would seem quite peculiar if written during any other era in the history of our country, but we live in a time where nothing is immune from being politicized by the country’s activist media.
That includes a drug that has been saving lives globally for decades and has shown promise in fighting the coronavirus.
Due to the country’s current political climate, though, the media has proven it will use anything, even a decades-old drug, to find a “gotcha” moment with regard to Trump.
During a Sunday interview with the Sinclair Broadcast Group, Trump was asked by reporter Sharyl Attkisson if he had finished his two-week regimen of hydroxychloroquine, which the president announced he had been taking on May 18.
“Many people are taking the government guidance on the anti-malaria drug, hydroxychloroquine to basically ward them off of using it and trying it. On the other hand, there are current experiments going on by National Institutes of Health and academic institutions, including for preventive uses possibly,” Attkisson said on the program “Full Measure.”
“You’re finishing your two-week course of hydroxychloroquine, correct?” Attkisson asked.
“Finished, just finished, yeah,” Trump replied.
He added: “By the way, I’m still here.”
“Yes you are,” Attkisson said.
“To the best of my knowledge, here I am,” Trump responded.
His comments were a not-so subtle jab at the dishonest media outlets, reporters and politicians who attacked the president for taking the drug, and for making a decision with his doctor about how he wanted to protect himself from contracting the coronavirus.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to the news of Trump taking the drug by describing him as “morbidly obese,” while Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told MSNBC the president’s announcement was “reckless.”
At CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta said Trump “shouldn’t be taking” the drug, while angry coronavirus quarantine breaker Chris Cuomo raged that the announcement was a distraction.
Meanwhile, on Fox News, host Neil Cavuto stated simply said regarding Trump taking the drug: “It will kill you.”
Hollywood stars went into a full-blown meltdown over the news:
Still, Trump survived — even though his detractors loudly expressed their doubts.

He also, once again, survived the sniping from Democrats and reporters.
Trump first mentioned the drug’s potential in passing during a White House media briefing at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic on March 19, more than two months ago.
The writing was on the wall from the start: The activist media didn’t want Trump giving people hope that there was a drug on the market, already in use, that could help some people.
Then reporters, with an apparent emotional investment in the drug being dangerous, began an all-out assault on hydroxychloroquine, which continues to this day.
The verdict is still out on the drug’s efficacy as a whole, but many people have credited it with saving their lives, and even one Democratic state lawmaker in Michigan says that not only the drug, but Trump’s touting of it it, prevented her from succumbing to the virus.
Trump, who has faced a never-ending and coordinated assault for more five straight years, is always happy to remind his critics when he succeeds and they fail.
In this case, Trump’s personal health and safety are the win.
Unfortunately for his detractors, Trump’s still here — and he isn’t going anywhere

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