Sunday, 31 May 2020

Man Charged With Setting Grandmother's Home on Fire Sports Ridiculous Mugshot Look

A Tennessee man has been arrested in connection with an early May fire in which two dogs were locked in a room that was then set ablaze.
East Ridge, Tennessee, police arrested a man named Dustin Sneed on May 14, WTVC reported.
In his booking photo, Sneed, whose hair was mostly cut very short, sported two strands of hair hanging down to his neck. His hairdo also featured pink braids in the shape of a mohawk.

The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported Sneed’s age as 30.
The fire took place in the home of Sneed’s grandmother.
Police said that when they arrived at the scene of the fire, the house had smoke coming from it.
The woman living there said two dogs had been in a room that police later determined was where the fire started.
Police Chief Stan Allen said the dogs were not killed in the fire.
A computer and several other possessions of the woman who lived there were destroyed, police said.
The back door of the house had been unlocked.
Police said that the fire had been started intentionally and that a bottle of vodka had been taken.
They were told by the woman that Sneed was the only person aside from herself who would know how to find the vodka.
A short time later, a nearby diner reported that Sneed had gone there and asked for a beer. He was refused service because he did not have identification.
He also asked for matches. Diner staff did not give him any, police said.
After Sneed left, police said he poured out the vodka on the sidewalk and threw the bottle of vodka on the ground.
Sneed used the phone at the business to call his grandmother.

He was arrested and charged with aggravated arson, arson, aggravated burglary, aggravated cruelty to animals and vandalism.

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