Dr. Mehmet Oz joined Lou Dobbs on Monday to discuss the latest on the coronavirus pandemic.
During their conversation Dr. Oz revealed that Governor Andrew Cuomo shut down his study to determine the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in the early treatment of the coronavirus.
And, Dr. Oz is not pleased with the governor’s actions.
And, Dr. Oz is not pleased with the governor’s actions.
Dr. Oz: Well the trial that I was helping with at my institution was shut down when the governor banned the use of hydroxychloroquine for prescription use for outpatients. And I was trying to see if it could prevent, well there was a prevention trial that was approved, but I was trying to see if it could actually treat early disease and replicate what has been done in China and in France. Unfortunately, those trials have been held back. I don’t know of a trial in New York State. I have been searching for the one that has been spoken about… I spoke this morning to the famous French Infectious Disease specialist Didier Raoult, he’s the one who’s actually been pioneering the hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, it’s not published yet, but he shared the results of his first thousand patients who have been on that protocol. Seven people died. They were all older and frail individuals. That is lower than what you would expect from people who have been admitted to the hospital. And he’s had 20 got to the ICU, again lower than I would expect… Well, I’m upset because I wanted to do the trial. Also I wanted it to be legal in my state for a doctor to talk to a patient about the COVID-19 and treat them as they saw appropriate.
New York state leads the nation in coronavirus cases and deaths. New York state currently lists 4,758 COVID-19 deaths in the state which is almost half of all US deaths due to the virus.
Dr. Oz also said he was “optimistic” that the coronavirus numbers will start dropping down later this week.
Via Lou Dobbs Tonight: