Wednesday, 8 April 2020

San Fran Police Issue Citation to 86-Year-Old Pro-Life Activist Dropping Leaflets in Front of Planned Parenthood For Violating 'Shelter-in-Place' Order

San Francisco police over the weekend issued a citation to an 86-year-old pro-life activist dropping leaflets in front of Planned Parenthood for violating the ‘shelter-in-place’ order. 
Pelosi’s Bay-area district openly allows the homeless population to shoot up heroin and discard their used needles in the streets but God-forbid an elderly man peacefully protests an abortion clinic.
Ronald Konopaski, 86, became the first person to receive a citation from the San Fran police for violating the stay-at-home order.
Konopaski was exercising is First Amendment rights by protesting Planned Parenthood. 
When challenged by other pro-life activists about violating their Constitutional rights, the police said First Amendment rights need to “take a back seat” because of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The first person cited by San Francisco police for allegedly violating the public health order requiring residents to stay at home is an 86-year-old anti-abortion advocate.
Ronald Konopaski was protesting outside the Planned Parenthood clinic at 1650 Valencia St. near Bernal Heights when police cited him for a misdemeanor Thursday.
Sgt. Michael Andraychak, a police spokesperson, confirmed the citation Friday and said that officers had previously admonished Konopaski for allegedly violating the order.
Andraychak said Konopaski was distributing leaflets on the sidewalk when police warned him Wednesday, and had a chair next to him when police cited him the next day.
“The people who are opposing my being there are just using this order as a tool to engage the police to do their dirty work to get rid of me,” Konopaski said.
“I’m 86 years old and I know how to take care of my health,” he said. “I’m following the order of this health thing even though I think that is a gross overkill or overreach.”
As of Monday, San Fran police have issued two citations and 26 warnings for violations of the shelter-in-place order.
Hundreds of inmates were released from jails but the police are harassing people praying outside of Planned Parenthood.

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