Monday 20 April 2020

Demon Spawn Pelosi Now Says She Won’t Sign Small Business Loan Extension Until She “Fixes the Flaws” — There ARE NO FLAWS! It Only Needs More Cash!

What a horrible, abusive person.
And Nancy Pelosi refused to approve more assistance to these business owners.
On Thursday the PPP Loan program ran out of money. Already $349 billion was handed out to struggling businesses.
80% of restaurants may never reopen and are struggling to pay their bills.
At least 20,000 business applications went unprocessed on Thursday and Friday. 
But so far Nancy Pelosi refuses to act.
All she needs to do is approve more funding for the program.
11 million Americans in the restaurant business are waiting for Pelosi to act as she sits at home with her basket of chocolates!
Democrats like to say as a talking point that the program is only helping big business but 74% of the loans were for smaller amounts under $100,000.
Her latest excuse to punish business owners is because she needs to “fix the program.”
What a demon!
The program does not need fixing. It needs more cash! Businesses are shutting their doors as Pelosi fiddles at home.

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