As countries start enforcing their borders again, the Corona pandemic threatens to spell the end of the globalist EU project. While Italians start burning EU flags, the EU court threatens to punish Eastern European states for successfully enforcing their borders and protecting their people.
by Collin McMahon

“The Vice-President of the Deputys’ Chamber Fabio Rampelli removes the European flag: A message to Europe that let Italy down in its times of need. Europe must decide whether it wants to exist or dissolve under the weight of German selfishness”, right-wing Brothers of Italy leader Georgia Meloni twittered on March 31, as many Italians started sharing viral videos burning the EU flag.
People all over Italy burning the EU flag and playing their National Anthem.
See Don’tCareWhatYouThink's other Tweets
As Italy became the hardest-hit country in the world in the Corona outbreak, with 14.681 dead so far, many Italians felt left alone by an EU that is usually quick to exhort “solidarity” when it comes to Open Borders and illegal mass immigration. On March 12, European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde effectively tanked Italian markets, saying the ECB was “not here to close spreads” on Italian bonds, sending the Italian stock exchange plummeting 17% and Italian bonds up 60 points, the biggest crash ever.
On the same day, the European Court of Justice sentenced Italy to pay €7.5 million in fines and an additional €80 000 for every day it was not paid over alleged subsidy violations – just as the Corona crisis was overwhelming Italy and neighboring EU countries like Austria were closing the borders to their southern neighbor.
“We need to rethink the role of Europe once the health battle has been won”, said Matteo Salvini, head of the Lega party. “The EU is all words, and no action. All these European rules need to be reviewed. In recent years, Europe actually made us close hospitals and schools. Then, in our hour of need, the citizens of Italy realized we are on our own.”
While Open Borders countries with left-leaning governments like Italy, Germany, France and Spain have been hardest hit by the Corona crisis, countries with conservative or “right-wing” governments like Poland, Hungary, Austria, Denmark, Russia, Greece and Israel closed their borders early and have as yet escaped the full force of the pandemic.
Ironically, the supranational European Court of Justice chose this week to condemn Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for failing “to fulfil their obligations under European Union law” by “refusing to comply with the temporary mechanism for the relocation of applicants for international protection” in the mass migration onslaught of 2015, when the EU wanted to distribute 125.000 illegal migrants “voluntarily” throughout member countries, whether they wanted them or not.
“This verdict illustrates how politicized the EU Court has become,” said Petr Bystron, AfD Speaker on the Foreign Policy Committee of the German Bundestag. “A ‘temporary mechanism’, which violates the Schengen and Dublin Agreements, was elevated to the status of law to punish sovereign member states. The ECJ completely ignores the foundational constitutional principle that every nation may control its own borders and territory, seeking to replacing it by the state of complete anarchy represented by Angela Merkel’s Open Borders policy and the Pull Effect of Europe’s welfare states.”
The judicial opinion illustrated the absurdity of this verdict, Bystron said: “It speaks of ‘their territory’ in regard to each country while superseding each country’s right to control that territory. Any nation that bows to this verdict is giving up its sovereignty and control over its national borders.”
The European Court of Justice in Strasbourg played a key role in expanding the EU’s original, very specific right to asylum for a handful of political dissidents into an unlimited right for the whole world to enter Europe and enjoy the generosity of its taxpayer-funded welfare state, critics have noted. The ECJ’s continued rulings against the United Kingdom was one of the leading reasons for Britons’ vote leave the European Union.
“This new verdict shows the citizens of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the world just how little these undemocratic EU institutions care about their needs and rights, while trying to ruthlessly ram through their globalist agenda,” Bystron said. “Especially during the Corona crisis, when individual citizens’ right to independent movement is massively restricted, this stubborn insistence on a further distribution of illegal migrants throughout European countries, even against their will, is bound to further undermine the faith of European citizens in the Brussels bureaucracy.”
Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic vowed to fight back against the erosion of national sovereignty. Hungarian Minister for International Communication Zoltán Kovács called the verdict “a political witch-hunt and a coordinated media smear campaign”, saying it was “shocking that while we are seeing absolutely appalling images from Western Europe and some countries of Southern Europe about the devastating consequences of the virus, and the failures of the governments of those countries, our constant critics again manage to single out Hungary for reproach.”
In a viral video, Polish MEP Dominik Tarczynski warned March 2, “I’ve got a message for all illegals: if you don’t want to be pushed back, if you don’t want to be arrested, if you don’t want to be shot, don’t come to our borders. Do not come to the Polish border. Then you’re safe. It’s not us, it’s not our police who came to beat you up, to push you or to arrest you. It’s you who tried to break the law of our land.”
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