China not only poses an imminent national security threat to the United States militarily and economically, but America relies on the coronavirus plagued communist regime to manufacture nearly all pharmaceutical drugs and medicines, warns award-winning author Rosemary Gibson.
The Chicoms supply nearly all United States medicine – including penicillin, vitamin C, and virtually every other generic prescription and over-the-counter product,” Gibson, author of China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine, explained on Steven K. Bannon’s War Room Pandemic.
“Nobody knows about how dependent we are on the basic components to make our medicine. This is mostly about generics, which are 90 percent of our medicines. We had to find a cheaper way to make them and so it was outsourced to China,” she said. “This is global – there is a global chokehold on the chemicals, the precursors to make the key ingredients in our medicines.”
Approximately 64,000 people around the world, mostly in China, have reportedly contracted the Wuhan coronavirus and at least 1,380 people have died from the virus as of February 14, CNBC reports. Efforts to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus have shut down factories across China, crippling the vast supply chain the world’s economies rely upon.
The virus could lead to a precipitous drop in exports and production in China, particularly in the pharmaceutical sector, Gibson explained.
“Under normal circumstances, without coronavirus, if for some reason we didn’t get exports of medicine from China, within a couple of months our pharmacy shelves would be empty in the United States – in a couple of months,” she said.
Upon the coronavirus remaining rampant in China and spreading across the U.S., medications to remedy the virus would become obsolete, Gibson continued.
“Say people come in who have coronavirus and they go into the hospital. What are they going to get? They might be on a ventilator, and so patients on a ventilator would get sedatives – they’ll get fentanyl or propofol, where do the ingredients come for that? They come from China.
“If your blood pressure is really low, you might get epinephrine or dopamine. Where does that come from? The core chemicals come from China. And if you get a secondary infection, it’s bacterial or if you go into sepsis, which a lot of people die from, where do the antibiotics come from? We can’t even make penicillin anymore and some of the last-resort antibiotics. That’s under normal circumstances, let alone with the coronavirus.”
Many Americans are under the delusion that we have “the best health care system in the world.” While that may be true at many top medical centers, the disturbing truth is that this country shifted is the entirety of its generic medicine and pharmaceutical manufacture to China decades ago.
After former President Ronald Reagan signed the Hatch-Waxman Act in 1984, which encouraged the manufacture of generic drugs by the pharmaceutical industry, US industries began outsourcing to China.
“It began in the early ’90s when generic drugs really came out strong. President Reagan was bipartisan in the 80’s ‘let’s have a generic drug act.’ That made medicines a lot cheaper for people. The brand-name products would go off patent” and more generics were produced, Gibson explained. ” We started sourcing the ingredients to make them in China.
In 2001, when the United States “opened up free trade and China joined WTO, within the next year we lost our last aspirin plant. We lost our ability to make vitamin C. We don’t make the ascorbic acid anymore. That’s when the last penicillin plant closed in 2004.”
The U.S. is currently even incapable of producing a generic like penicillin or aspirin because of its core components, the acetylsalicylic acid in the ascorbic.

“We cannot make it here” because “China cheats with our medicines and cartels. They form these cartels, they dump it on the global market at below-market prices and they drove everybody out.”
But the truth about China’s monopoly on Big Pharma is being swept under the rug by the media. China systematically censors information about its communist regime in our media and corporate media outlets face a major conflict of interests by exposing big pharma corruption.
According to a study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, nine major U.S. media corporations and their major outlets, Disney (ABC), General Electric (NBC), CBS, Time Warner (CNN, Time), News Corporation (Fox), New York Times Co., Washington Post Co. (Newsweek), Tribune Co. (Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times) and Gannett (USA Today) shares at least one board member with at least one pharmaceutical company.
Pharmaceutical companies spend about $5 billion a year on advertising with corporate media outlets.
After devoting three years of researching the global reliance on China for medicine, Gibson claimed China RX was ignored by the mainstream media and lawmakers she tried to warn of the impending national security threat.
“Nobody raised any red flags – and we are talking about the antibiotics you give your kid who has an ear infection. Or if you have pneumonia or an STD or urinary tract infection. This is basic stuff that we can no longer make in the USA,” she said.
“In fact, when this came out, I spoke to someone on Capitol Hill and I said, ‘hey I’m working on this, would you consider having a hearing on it?’ And this was a high-level person said, ‘oh well we’ve known about this for years.’ So there are some people that knew and did nothing at all. Fast forward a couple of years later, this person was infected by a contaminated medicine with carcinogens in it.”
Over the last 18 months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced more than 50 recalls of blood pressure medications, supplied by China, after discovering it’s active ingredient valsartan was contaminated with jet-fuel contaminants estimated to cause cancer in one out of every 8,000 pill takers.
In 2008, dozens of American patients died after consuming contaminated heparin, a blood thinner supplied by China. Heparin is made from the mucous membranes of pig intestines. Slaughtered pigs in China are typically cooked in unregulated family workspaces to manufacture the drug.
“Chinese companies deliberately, for economic reasons, put this contaminate in heparin, and it was a very, very deceptive and sophisticated operation. This contaminant that got in this blood thinner, that is used widely in every hospital in this country, it didn’t pick it up on the normal tests used at the time to test these products,” Gibson explained. “The chemical was patented by the Chinese government so they knew. But no one ever considered whether this would be harmful or lethal to the American people, which it was.
“The other thing that’s insidious about this – how do you know that what you’re feeling –if you feel sick to trace it back to the drug?
China doesn’t have to fire a missile or hack the electric grid to destroy the United States but could use medicine to strategically reap unprecedented social chaos and wage biological warfare.
Regardless, “someday, irrespective of what China does or doesn’t do, it’s going to hit the fan,” Gibson admonished. “There is going to be another version of coronavirus happening in this country and unless we build our capacity to make the essential things for survival – this is survival. This isn’t about the quality of life, this is basic survival. So we’ve got to get to work on it real quick.”
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