Hot girl is ugly because she wears glasses.
– u/LeprechAine
See also, hot nerdy girl is hot because of her glasses.
– u/farawyn86
– u/LeprechAine
See also, hot nerdy girl is hot because of her glasses.
– u/farawyn86

When people talk perfectly, without any pauses mid sentence or making any “uhh” or “hmm” sounds.
– u/High_grove
– u/High_grove

Guns making a lot of random clicking noises as soon as they point it at someone.
– u/High_grove
Guy A threatening guy B with a pistol, cocks pistol “I’ll do it! Dont think I wont!” Guy B: “Hey man take it easy” Guy A: cocks gun again “IM NOT FUCKING PLAYING!”
– u/Raden327
– u/High_grove
Guy A threatening guy B with a pistol, cocks pistol “I’ll do it! Dont think I wont!” Guy B: “Hey man take it easy” Guy A: cocks gun again “IM NOT FUCKING PLAYING!”
– u/Raden327

Regaining consciousness after receiving CPR.
– u/lexxeffect
– u/lexxeffect

People having copious amounts of time to spend with their friends, not being tired after work.
– u/celesteshine
– u/celesteshine

I am an Anglican priest.
We are never found lingering alone in candle lit churches late at night picking up service bulletins or books from pews.
Yet every movie shows priests and ministers puttering around dark churches cleaning up.
– u/Auto_Fac
– u/Auto_Fac

Sexy scientists wearing little or no protective gear except a lab coat. In real life that would get your whole operation shutdown for months.
– u/3Magic_Beans
– u/3Magic_Beans

Grenades kill by launching shrapnel but also by the concussive force it expends. There’s no big explosion it’s like a puff of smoke filled with angry metal bees shooting out everywhere.
– u/forcepush0027
– u/forcepush0027

A bright eyed 22 year old moving into “the big apple” and getting a one bedroom apartment, while hunting for their dream job, while eating at pizza places and drinking lattes.
– u/vcisjb1
– u/vcisjb1

Huge lapses in time or long distances traveled but the characters are still at the same spot in conversation.
– u/OP’s-imaginary-friend
– u/OP’s-imaginary-friend

Showing up for a meeting over dinner or drinks, having said meeting in 1-2 minutes and just leaving. It bugs me so much that so many shows and movies do this. You could easily just cut the scene and the viewer could just imagine that they finished dinner together or had their drinks. But nope, people will literally order a drink, take a sip and just walk away. When In real life have you ever seen that?
– u/Yoinkie2013
– u/Yoinkie2013

That particular era of horror movies where cell phones are becoming so popular they have to show/explain why they were useless – left in the car, broken, lost. When cell phones became ubiquitous, they let reality take over – didn’t check the messages, out of service area, breaking up. It’s fun watching horror movies from each decade (every five years, really) to see this trope.
– u/mel2mdl
– u/mel2mdl

Weird nobody mentioned that in movies everybody always looks at each other while driving. And they move the damn driving wheel way to much while driving straight forward, pisses me off.
– u/JingleJangleG
– u/JingleJangleG

If you are being attacked by multiple bad guys they will each wait there turn to attack. This shit bugs the heck out of me.
– u/littflow
– u/littflow

They sometimes just stop conversations on the most random spots (or hang up)
– u/64208
I like also when a guy finally convinces a girl to go on a dinner date and she says, ‘alright then, see you tonight’. So when, where? Logistics don’t matter
– u/trashman_here
– u/64208
I like also when a guy finally convinces a girl to go on a dinner date and she says, ‘alright then, see you tonight’. So when, where? Logistics don’t matter
– u/trashman_here

Death bed scenes. People do not simply lay there looking relaxed and well groomed, say something profound, then die. It is protracted and ugly and usually they are not even conscious so near death.
– u/Maggiemayday
– u/Maggiemayday

How families who move into haunted houses decide to keep their worries to themselves or just not believe each other. You saw a tall creepy man in your room last night and you don’t want to tell anyone? Even your younger sibling who definitely voiced seeing a weird shadow 2 nights ago? Really???
– u/kcckcc101
– u/kcckcc101
Also when someone outruns the fire from the blast they’re ok. Nevermind that they should at least be looking like they just got their as beat from the concussive force.
– u/iwhbyd114
– u/iwhbyd114
Via AskReddit
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