Tyrant Pelosi demanded Facebook and Twitter take down a very powerful TPUSA video meme tweeted by President Trump of her tearing up his SOTU speech.
President Trump tweeted out the video meme titled, ‘Powerful American Stories RIPPED To Shreds By Nancy Pelosi.’
The video, which can be viewed below, showed Pelosi ripping up Trump’s SOTU speech every time President Trump honored a powerful American story on Tuesday evening.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 6, 2020
Pelosi pre-ripped the speech as Trump mentioned Rush Limbaugh’s lung cancer diagnosis, proving she pre-planned the theatrical stunt.
Pelosi is an evil, calculating, witch and lashed out at reporters who suggested her ripping up the SOTU speech backfired.
The tyrant then demanded the video be taken down.
The Hill quoted Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill on her demand to take the video down.
“Hammill said Pelosi’s office has asked both Twitter and Facebook to take down the video.”
Democrat Congressmen also demanded the “deceptively edited video” be taken down.
Twitter and Facebook smacked down Pelosi’s demand and refused to take down the video.
CNBC reported:
Both Facebook and Twitter decided against removing the Trump video, although the companies cited different reasons for their decisions.Andy Stone, a Facebook spokesman, replied to Hammill on Twitter: “Sorry, are you suggesting the President didn’t make those remarks and the Speaker didn’t rip the speech?”Hammill fired back: “What planet are you living on? This is deceptively altered. Take it down.”In the end, both Facebook and Twitter declined to remove the Trump campaign post, citing corporate policies.Facebook’s Stone told CNBC, “I can confirm for you that the video doesn’t violate our policies.”
Not. Tired. Of. Winning.
Make sure to share the Trump video of Pelosi shredding American stories far and wide!
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