Politico’s Anna Palmer
O. Kay Henderson, Cornell Belcher, Rich Lowry and Anna Palmer joined NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday to discuss the last stages of the senate’s impeachment trial with host Chuck Todd.
Politico’s Anna Palmer told the panel on Sunday that she’s hearing from Democrat operatives on The Hill that this isn’t the last time President Trump is impeached.
“I’m up at the Capitol a lot, and I actually think this is not ending in the Senate. The House Democrats are going to want to hear from John Bolton, they are going to want to continue the investigation. I was talking to an operative just this week and they were saying this is not going to be the last time this President is impeached,” Anna Palmer said.
WATCH: Democrats are now bragging "This is not going to be the last time this President is impeached."— Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) February 2, 2020
Democrats are OBSESSED with removing @RealDonaldTrump from office and undoing the 2016 election at any cost. That's what this scam is really about! pic.twitter.com/dIz1OmSey4
The House Democrats are gunning to impeach President Trump for the second time.
House General Counsel Douglas Letter argued in a DC filing in December that the House needs the grand jury material in Mueller’s report because the evidence may be relevant and used against Trump in the Senate impeachment trial.
But Douglas Letter didn’t stop there.
Mr. Letter stated that regardless of the outcome in the Senate impeachment trial, the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee chaired by Jerrold Nadler intends to continue its impeachment probe based on ‘evidence’ from the Mueller report.
“The committee has continued and will continue [its impeachment] investigations consistent with its own prior statements respecting their importance and purposes,” Letter wrote in a filing in December.
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