Monday 27 January 2020

President Trump Responds to Bolton Book Leak Accusations

President Trump responded to a reported leak of details of a book by his former national security advisor Ambassador John Bolton published Sunday night by The New York Times in an effort to influence the Senate to call Bolton as a witness in the impeachment trial of Trump.

The Times report is based on descriptions of the book by anonymous sources, not an actual copy of the manuscript. The leak has Bolton accusing Trump of telling him he wanted to hold aid to Ukraine until they agreed to investigate the Bidens and Democrats. Bolton’s attorney said he submitted the book on December 30 to the National Security Council at the White House for review and clearance of any security information. A Bolton spokeswoman also issued a statement that Bolton only provided a copy to the White House and did not leak the book. Neither one confirmed content of The Times report.
In a series of late night tweets, Trump denied telling Bolton aid to Ukraine was conditioned on investigations of the Democrats and the Bidens, saying if Bolton said that it was to sell books. Trump also retweeted comments comparing Bolton to fired FBI Director James Comey that noted Bolton’s book went on sale at Amazon just hours after the Times story was published.
“I NEVER told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens. In fact, he never complained about this at the time of his very public termination. If John Bolton said this, it was only to sell a book. With that being said, the……transcripts of my calls with President Zelensky are all the proof that is needed, in addition to the fact that President Zelensky & the Foreign Minister of Ukraine said there was no pressure and no problems. Additionally, I met with President Zelensky at the United Nations……(Democrats said I never met) and released the military aid to Ukraine without any conditions or investigations – and far ahead of schedule. I also allowed Ukraine to purchase Javelin anti-tank missiles. My Administration has done far more than the previous Administration.”

Trump earlier retweeted the Federalist’s Mollie Hemningway and Sean Davis who noted the timing of the book leak with it going on sale for pre-order at Amazon. Davis also observed Bolton using the same playbook as Comey.
“This is obviously book promo coordinated with compliant media, yes. But an additional word of skepticism: these *particular* folks have a pattern of overpromising and underachieving with their “bombshell” anti-Trump book roll outs.”
“Just like James Comey, John Bolton is trying to get rich off of a lie- and leak-fueled campaign to overturn the 2016 election results. I suspect it will work out as well as all of Bolton’s other wars…John Bolton is running the exact same revenge playbook against Trump that James Comey used. He’s even using the same agent and leaking to the same reporters. All because he’s mad Trump fired him for leaking and trying to start new wars. It’s so boring and predictable.” 

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