Wednesday 29 January 2020

Bloomberg Anti-Gun Organization Pledges $60 Million To Influence 2020 Elections

Not content with only running a money-hemorrhaging Presidential campaign, narcissistic billionaire Little Mikey Bloomberg is pledging $60 Million to buy a plethora of other elections across the country to push his anti Constitution agenda of obliterating the 2nd Amendment.
With a net worth of nearly $60 Billion, spending .1% of that is a drop in the bucket.
The political arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, a group co-founded by Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, plans to spend $60 million this year to defeat President Trump and other politicians who have resisted new gun regulations, the group announced Monday.
The decision to double spending over 2018 levels, as the National Rifle Association is struggling with a governance crisis, is meant to send a statement about the growing power of the gun regulation movement.
“The gun safety movement has never been stronger. We have millions of supporters, and we are going to seize the moment,” said Shannon Watts, another co-founder of Everytown who runs its subsidiary grass-roots arm Moms Demand Action. “We are going to compete at every level.”
Everytown leaders say the money will be targeted broadly to include organizing, paid advertising and voter registration in a variety of contests, from state legislative races to competitive U.S. House and Senate contests and the presidential campaign.
A memo laying out plans for the spending names North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, both Democrats, as allies whom the group will defend. It names two Republican senators, Cory Gardner (Colo.) and Martha McSally (Ariz.), as targets for defeat.
The political strategy is being directed by Charlie Kelly, who ran House Majority PAC in 2018, a Democratic super PAC that coordinated independent spending to retake the House. He said the gun issue has continued to grow as a top-tier concern for voters, particularly in suburban communities where Democrats have been making their biggest gains since Trump’s election.
At a presidential candidate  last fall, Bloomberg was quoted as saying:

“In 2020, about seven or eight swing states will decide the election. And I can just tell you that Everytown, Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, and my super PAC, Independence USA, are going to launch the most massive effort on gun safety that our country has ever seen. And we are going to win races up and down the ballot.”

Bloomberg and his henchmen love to paint the NRA out as the enemy, claiming that the NRA blows through more money to buy elections, but in reality, the NRA didn’t even spend $16 Million in the 2018 election, with their biggest contributions being to the national Republican PACS and the Marsha Blackburn campaign, who got a paltry $15,000. Compare that to Bloomberg’s pledge of $80 Million during that cycle.
That’s despite having upwards of $400 Million on hand for the NRA, which still apparently runs in debt. It begs the question: What is the NRA spending all of their money on?
But Bloomberg isn’t the only one targeting the 2nd Amendment, as the WaPo article continues:
Giffords, a gun regulation group founded by former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), has also launched a 2020 political program, while her husband, Mark Kelly, mounts a Democratic campaign to take McSally’s U.S. Senate seat.
The group spent $750,000 on ads after a recent shooting, calling for the Senate to vote on expanding background checks to include private sales. The group also hosted a forum for presidential candidates and a video series highlighting the positions of the Democratic candidates for president.
“Starting last fall Giffords has been investing in the kinds of initiatives to underscore that gun safety is a kitchen table issue,” Giffords Executive Director Peter Ambler said. “Our programming this year will reflect that.”
Hopefully the NRA wakes up and directs their millions to protecting the 2nd Amendment instead of playing backdoor political gamesmanship.

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