Thursday 30 January 2020

Biden Says He’d Want Michelle Obama As His Running Mate

Who wants to take a 56-year-old woman — who’s never held elected office, not even town dogcatcher — and put her in the White House? 
Who other than Uncle Joe Biden.
The once inevitable 2020 Democrat presidential nominee, who has been flagging in the polls of late, dropped by a campaign stop in Muscatine, Iowa, on Tuesday, where he eventually took questions from the audience.
“Would you consider appointing Obama for the Supreme Court,” a man in the audience asked, apparently unaware that presidents simply nominate their selections and the Senate decides whether they serve on the court.
“Yeah, I would, but I don’t think he’d do it. He’d be a great Supreme Court justice,” Biden said.
The questioner followed up with the question, “Second question is, which Obama?”
“I sure would like Michelle [Obama] to be the vice president,” Biden said with his trademark smirk. “They’re both incredibly qualified people and they’re such decent, honorable people.”

It wasn’t the first time Biden has mentioned Michelle Obama being his running mate. As his poll numbers drop, he has often tried to cash in on the popularity of his former boss.
In September, Biden appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” and was asked by the host if he ever sought Michelle Obama’s advice. He said “I only want her to be my vice president.”
And in December, the former vice president said he’d nominate former President Obama to the nation’s highest court “if he’d take it.”
Biden, 77, also got serious when talking about his running mate, saying whomever he picks has got to be prepared to take over the reins because “I’m an old guy.”
“I can think of at least eight women, at least four or five people of color, that I think are totally qualified to be vice president of the United States,” Biden said. “But for me, it has to be demonstrated that whoever I pick is two things.” He never addressed item “two” because Joe’s mind can’t focus.
“One, is capable of being president, because I’m an old guy,” Biden said as the crowd laughed. “No, I’m serious. Look, thank God I’m in great health, I work out, no I’m serious, you know I work out every morning. I’m in good shape.”
From Michelle, and others’ standpoint, Joe Biden likely insulted blacks and women. If she’d run she’d feel entitled to run for president herself, non-qualifications aside. He is also considering as his VP a black woman from Georgia, Stacey Abrams, who still, erroneously, claims that she won the GA senate seat, which she decisively lost.
Joe also, again, demeaned a black woman, Kamala Harris, by calling her “bright”.

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