Monday 23 December 2019

Woke SJWs Are Now Blasting Ricky Gervais For Making Another Trans Joke

Never one to back into a corner as the guardians of cancel culture wage their war across the Western landscape, comedian Ricky Gervais jumped into the fire stoked by woke SJWs in response to the controversy over J.K. Rowling daring to say that  “sex is real” regarding transgender issues.
On Friday, Gervais jokingly responded to a satirical article from Jarvis Dupont, sarcastically blasting biological women upset over transgenders coming into their bathrooms and taking over their sports.
“Those awful biological women can never understand what it must be like for you becoming a lovely lady so late in life,” Gervais said on Twitter. “They take their girly privileges for granted. Winning at female sports and having their own toilets. Well, enough is enough.” 
“We need to protect the rights of women,” he later added. “Not erode them because some men have found a new cunning way to dominate and demonize an entire sex.”
Those awful biological women can never understand what it must be like for you becoming a lovely lady so late in life. They take their girly privileges for granted. Winning at female sports and having their own toilets. Well, enough is enough.
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Later, Ricky Gervais dropped the tongue-in-cheek tone and blasted his critics for essentially enforcing a cultural dogma without any debate. 
“They don’t want to argue. They can’t afford to have their propositions questioned,” Gervais tweeted. “They want to create a dogma with its own blasphemy laws and the ‘fatwah’ of labeling people bigots to shut them down, ostracise them and even have them fired.”
Predictably, the woke scolds have been relentless in their attacks on Ricky Gervais, accusing him of perpetuating transphobia.
“If you think Ricky Gervais is standing up for women in his spreading of transphobic conspiracy lies, just a reminder about his rape ‘jokes’ and Aids ‘jokes.’ He’s a 1970s dinosaur not even using irony as a disguise,” tweeted Patrick Strudwick of Buzzfeed. 
“Ricky Gervais is a transphobe and a thoroughly bad person. Namesearch this you utter c***,” said one Twitter user.  
“Ricky Gervais continues to prove that people super concerned with free speech are really just looking for excuses to be a**holes,” tweeted Courtney Enlow. 
“Apart from being a d**k, Ricky Gervais is a transphobe and if he weren’t so dumb he would say he was a TERF. Keep him off my blog and off my timeline,” tweeted Xeni Jardin. 
Due to his refusal to bow to the politically correct establishment, SJWs have been on a concerted quest to cancel Ricky Gervais for the past several months. Most recently, IndieWire published an op-ed arguing that the Golden Globes should fire him from hosting the upcoming awards show due to his outspoken “transphobia.”
During Gervais’ 2016 stint hosting the ceremony, he dead-named Olympic Gold medalist Caitlyn Jenner from the stage, and transphobic commentary has been a through line of his work since.
The star of Netflix’s “After Life” opened his 2018 stand-up comedy special “Humanity” — also on Netflix — with not one but three different derogatory remarks about Jenner, discussing her former name, referring to her as a man, as well as discussing surgery and her genitals. …
In an age where comedians are rightfully being held accountable[emphasis added] for bigoted words and actions from years prior … Gervais continues to tweet vitriol toward the LGBTQ+ community only to face no repercussions.

Prior to that, Gervais scolded transgender activist Jessica Yaniv for demanding that beauty salons wax his genitals, which was then followed by Yaniv accusing gynecologists of discrimination for not servicing him.

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