Monday 16 December 2019

Watch Dem Congresswoman Skewered by Own Constituents Over Her Impeachment Support

In a sign of what’s likely to happen to other Democrats in the weeks ahead, freshman Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger, previously on the fence about the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump but now supportive of it, was shouted down by frustrated constituents at a town hall earlier this month.
The impeachment push is “crap” and “all a lie,” constituents could be heard telling her in a video of the Dec. 8 incident.
Spanberger won her seat in 2018 by two percentage points, or less than 7,000 votes, over conservative Rep. Dave Brat, who himself had unseated then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the 2014 GOP primary.
The results of a recent poll commissioned by a Republican firm suggested that impeachment proceedings are hurting Democratic presidential candidates in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — all crucial states that Trump carried in the 2016 general election.
If impeachment is hurting Democratic presidential candidates in swing states, it might also cause Democratic members of Congress to lose their seats in swing and historically Republican districts around the country.
For proof of this phenomenon, look no further than Spanberger’s town hall.
WARNING: The following video and tweet contain profane language that some viewers may find offensive. Viewer discretion is advised.
Pointing out how she’s disagreed with Democratic leadership on various issues in the past, Spangberger argued that “the allegations against the president are incredibly, incredibly serious,” according to CNN.
That line prompted some angry constituents to interject.
“Incredible bulls—,” one person could be heard saying.
“It’s crap,” another said.
“It’s a lie, it’s all a lie,” an attendee said.
Spanberger kept going.
“No one has dispelled or attempted to dispel or provide evidence that would exonerate the president,” she said. 
One attendee rightfully retorted, “Did you really say that? You have to prove you’re innocent?”
Responding to the incident, Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale noted that Democrats like Spanberger “are finding considerable backlash at home.”
“They lied to their constituents when they said they would go and work with Republicans, they simply are rubber stamps for Pelosi and the Dems far left hatred of @realDonaldTrump!” he tweeted.
While the profanity that at least one attendee used was uncalled for, the anger is understandable.
It’s worth noting that until Spanberger won her seat in November, the district hadn’t elected a Democrat in almost 50 years.
So it’s somewhat predictable, if not excusable, that voters would lash out at her.
Now, Virginia Democrats picked up three congressional seats in the 2018 midterm elections. But two of them were won by less than 3 percent.
All this to say that it appears there is no shortage of voters in Spangberger’s district with their heads screwed on straight who see through the Democratic impeachment lie.

Spanberger might be in for a rude awakening come next November.

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