Friday 13 December 2019

HERE IT IS… Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment Released — Copy Here — Includes Wording on “Discredited” Theory on Ukrainian Interference

House Democrats announced Tuesday they will bring two articles of impeachment against President Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. 
A copy of the Articles of Impeachment was released to the public and is 9 pages long.
** You can read the articles, as released by Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y. here.
It is interesting that the Democrats continue to call Ukrainian interference in the 2016 a “discredited” theory.
Of course this has never been discredited. In fact, as The Gateway Pundit reported back in December 2018, Ukrainian embassy official Andrii Telizhenko spoke out about the DNC-Russia collusion scandal.
The Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election has NEVER been debunked.
It is interesting how Democrats openly lie — even in their articles of impeachment.
UPDATE– Here is a copy of Nadler’s Articles of Impeachment.

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