Wednesday 11 December 2019

CROOKED DEMOCRATS to Introduce Bogus Articles of Impeachment – Break Rules and Refuse GOP Their Day of Witnesses

Democrats to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump on briberyextortionpay-for-play, abuse of power and obstruction of office.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler and other Committee chairmen Monday evening after a 9-hour impeachment hearing. 
According to the Washington Post, the Judiciary Committee will likely vote on two articles of impeachment later this week.
The plan is not finalized yet and the House Democrats are expected to announce specific articles of impeachment at a news conference Tuesday morning at 9 AM ET.
According to sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity to WaPo, one article of impeachment will be on ‘abuse of power’ and the other on ‘obstruction of Congress.’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) met with Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and other committee chairmen Monday night after a nine-hour hearing in which a Democratic counsel laid out the party’s case against President Trump. Three officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity to be frank, described the likely articles that the Judiciary Committee would vote on later this week. The officials cautioned that the plan had not been finalized.
The House Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Jerry Nadler met on Monday morning to continue their sham impeachment hearing.
Before the two lawyers and “witnesses” were able to deliver their testimony several Republican committee members interrupted the proceedings to question Chairman Nadler about the minority day to call witnesses.
On Friday GOP Ranking member Doug Collins (R-GA) sent off a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) demanding the Republican minority hearing day before the committee decides on articles of impeachment.
This is their right!
Republicans are owed a day to call in their own witnesses.
Rep. Collins called on Nadler to contact his office immediately to schedule the GOP day to call witnesses.

Of course, Democrats fear a day of minority witnesses will destroy their complete sham of an impeachment process based on lies and hearsay.

Chairman Nadler refuses to schedule this day of hearings. He continues to ignore this request.

Democrats are breaking the rules again and are refusing to allow Republicans their minority day of witnesses.

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