When I was woken up by my dogs going nuts and found out my house was on fire. By the time I had woken up the stairs were engulfed in flames. I truly lost all sense of what to do. Thought it was all over. Eventually got to a window and ended up throwing my dogs out the window ( all were okay) and jumping out the window. I never would wish that feeling on anybody. -@Chicagospawn6
It was 5 years ago almost to the day. I was home with my two daughters who at the time were 3 and just over 1. I was giving them a bath, kneeling on the ground and all of a sudden it felt like something exploded in my heart. I remember thinking just get the kids out of the water, nothing else matters. I got them out of the water and was able to call an ambulance.
I was taken to the hospital and long story short I had blood clots in both lungs and my right knee. They think a piece of the knee blood clot broke free and passed through my heart. I am very lucky to be alive and so grateful I was able to get my daughters out of the tub.
I found out I have multiple blood clotting disorders and am on blood thinners for life, but I am alive! -@mkrzemin
Running out of gas in my boat with my girlfriend in open water during a storm. I ended up on a shoal trying to hold the boat while a friend brought us more fuel. Honestly thought the waves would wash us away and drown. -@SendItRicky
Stephen Black
My wife and son were out of town, so I had the house to myself. I used that opportunity to do something I never get to do – have a shower with the washroom door open.
Small things like that make me happy.
Anyway, I was just getting out of the shower, when – without a sound – I see someone’s head slowly go by in the dark corridor outside the washroom door!
I nearly shat myself in terror; the doors were all locked, how did anyone get in? And there was something unnatural and menacing about that slow silent glide by the door. Like they must have known I was there, but they just didn’t care. Plus whoever it was was really tall – the head was seven feet off the ground. My heart raced so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Wet and terrified, I peered out of the door …
… to find the mystery solved: the “head” was my son’s helium balloon toy, partly deflated over time, floating by on the slight air current.
In short, I had nearly been frightened to death by my kid’s toy. Not my proudest moment. -@Malthus1
A few years back I was in a toxic relationship with an individual suffering from several mental illness. He refused to take medications. I had not a clue how bad it had gotten until he was driving us back to our apartment.
He started rambling about how God chose him to save my soul and I was a fallen angel. He would send me back to heaven. He floored the gas on a short dead end road and almost drove into a cement wall. I remember briefly wondering if I should jump put the car at 50 mph, or stay in and pray the airbag saved me. He slammed the brake last minute as I was about to open the door and jump.
Absolute fear. I ended up hospitalized a few days later due to other shitty relationship related events and never saw him again.
Hands down, one of the more terrifying moments of my life, but not the only one I experienced by being with him. -@heros_soup
The morning of my mom’s wedding. Everyone relaxing. Eating breakfast. Clothes everywhere. Cousins running around. All of the adults are on their porch chilling.
I hear my daughter SCREAMING. I run in the dining room. There were clothes draped over the back of a dining room chair. The clothes had a metal coat hanger on them. She had gotten the hook of the metal hanger under her eyelid.
I grabbed the back of her head and slowly pulled the hook out. Put a little ice on her eye for a bit. Luckily, it hadn’t hit her eyeball at all. -@SailingmanWork
When I was trying to sleep at around 3 and felt someone press on my bed. Then the bag on the chair started shaking. Then again I felt something on my bed. Finally, I had the courage to switch on the light and found a giant rat on my bed. -@jakewang1
I was flying an airliner. We were maybe 1,000 above the ground while on approach to land at a smaller airport. There were thunderstorms in the area and we ended up in a microburst with zero visibility. We got a wind shear warning in the cockpit and started to go around. At full throttle and the nose up we were still sinking at around 400ft/min. Everything seemed to be running in slow motion both me and the other pilot were running through our required actions and call outs due to the training. In the back of my mind all I could think about was I can’t see the ground and we are falling. I know there is a hill out here somewhere, this is where I am going to die. The plane got down to around 400ft off the ground before it finally started to climb. This was the most fear I had ever felt in my life. -@121guy
I was riding my bike home from work along a pretty busy main road (I live in the city). I got to a downhill and started to pick up pace when I noticed a brown snake, which are very deadly, lying across the bike just lane ahead of me. There was a car in the lane next to me and it was too late to stop, but I somehow managed to dodge the snake and kept riding.
About 50 meters later, just as I thought I was safe, I heard a very loud hissing and felt something brush past my leg and thought the snake had somehow caught up and bitten me. It turns out my back tire burst but in the moment I was absolutely terrified. -@danpra
I used to measure roofs for a solar company.
One time I went up on a very steep roof of a two story house alone, and without a harness. This roof plane was too steep to walk and the shingles were old and crumbing so I had to crawl so I didn’t slide down towards the edge.
After about an hour of crawling around, the sun began to bake the shingles so they were too hot to touch, so I decided to bug out. As the roof was too steep to walk, the only way to the ladder was by scooting on my butt with my feet pointed towards the edge.
Every time I’d skid toward the edge my heart exploded in fear because it was hard to stop from moving. I had to use my hands to slow myself down and they were getting burned. All I could do was to rub my palms on my legs to transfer some of the heat, but they were being scorched. Imagine putting your hand on a hot frying pan full of grit.
I was completely alone, in a faraway town, with no one to call. It took forever to get to the ladder and by the time I did I was shaking and drenched in sweat. When I finally got back to the ground some people came out from a nearby house and said they saw me and were ready to call 911.
I had burn blisters on both palms and I never went on a roof like that again without a helper or PPE. -@BarcodeNinja
The time I got into bed with my girlfriend and immediately started coughing up blood. Ran into the bathroom and held onto the sink for dear life, every breath I tried to take I just ended up wheezing more blood out of my lungs. By the time the ambulance got there I had pretty much come to terms that this was how I died. Then it slowed down and finally stopped by the time I got to the ER.
Long story short it turned out to be hodgkin’s lymphoma. Had chemo for 6 months and am cured now with minimal repercussions. The scariest time of my life. -@emf3rd31495
I was on a 360-degree roller coaster and you go around and around but it got stuck at the very top and the ride shut down for 5 minutes so I was upside-down and I was very little and it was terrifying. -@Bulletbill7597
When my mom and then- 5 year old brother got in an atv accident. They were driving slow through the woods and a large, dead tree fell alongside the trail, knocking down a smaller tree, which hit them both in the head. Freak accident.
My other brother and I were outside filling the pool and we heard my mom yelling something. I didn’t know what it was but my stomach dropped. We both ran to the head of the trail across the yard, and she was carrying my little brother, both covered in blood. She ran half of that mile-long trail carrying him.
They were both in the hospital for a week. Mom got some stitches in her face, and my brother’s skull was shattered, requiring surgery and a metal plate put in.
He’s graduating high school next year and doing well.-@Milayouqt
When I watched my dog get killed by the neighbor’s dog. I was afraid to even get near their yard for a week. -@tru_fox
I was 6 years old and went to take a leak. I was at my grandma’s house in a small village in India. The bathroom was an outhouse. Just as I was about to start, I noticed a cobra hissing at me. I ran like hell. -@AmanLovesSanDiego
When I was alone in my house and I heard something call my name.
It was probably some weird bird or something outside but I was 11 and dumb so I was terrified. -@KGShaw
Anytime you turn around and your child isn’t still behind you. -@brownbagtreecake
She kept doing so for a long while, and that plane shook in ways I didn’t think possible. I and everyone awake at that moment, about shit our pants.
To this day, I cannot experience turbulence without, at least, a minor degree of fear. -@toolargo
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