On Monday, CNN host and #NeverTrump “Republican” Ana Navarro ripped into black Americans who support President Donald Trump in a nasty tweet many deemed racist.
Following reports that black support for the president is on the rise, Navarro lost it, posting a tweet denigrating black Trump supporters and denying the legitimacy of the poll.
“Zero chance this is accurate. Zero,” she wrote. “The poll must have only been conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, Kanye, that sheriff guy with the hat and those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies.”
Ms. Navarro was apparently speaking of the duo known as “Diamond and Silk” with her “Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex” jab.
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As reported by The Daily Wire on Monday, black Trump support is indeed on the rise, even if Navarro doesn’t like such a reality.
“Two polls released in the last week have confirmed what Republicans hope and Democrats fear: support in the black community for President Trump is rising,” The Daily Wire’s Hank Berrien reported. “On Monday, Rasmussen reports noted, ‘ICYMI: Last Friday we showed Black Likely Voter approval for [President Trump] at 34%. We then found out that a recent widely quoted [Emerson Polling] Registered Voters based poll showed Black Voter approval for [the president] at 34.5%.'”
“The Emerson Poll, released November 21, indeed showed Trump with 34.5% of black registered voter approval. RedState noted, ‘Thirty four percent approval for President Donald Trump. And that’s not an outlier with other Rasmussen tallies, the average has actually gone up since last year when it was in the 20s,‘” Berrien outlined.
Navarro’s apparent fear of black Trump support is further evidence by RealClear Politics reporting in October of 2018: “Even 20% African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88% of the black vote. That was about a six-point falloff from Barack Obama’s share of the black vote in 2012,” the report said.
And though Navarro’s panic might be understandable, her nasty commentary was not to most folks. Politicos online, including Diamond and Silk themselves, responded to the post, blasting the CNN contributor for her “racism.”
“Ana Navarro sure doesn’t like black people who think differently than she wants them to,” “Rubin Report” host Dave Rubin wrote. “(And she had the nerve to call me racist a few weeks ago.)”
Ana Navarro sure doesn’t like black people who think differently than she wants them to.
(And she had the nerve to call me racist a few weeks ago.)
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“Latinos for Trump” leader Marco Gutierrez posted: “[Ana Navarro] has her back back full of scars from all the miscalculations on Latinos in the 2016 election! Now she thinks she is got a shot underestimating the #BlackVoicesforTrump! Can she handle being wrong again after [President Trump] victory in 2020? Idk! #CeguaAmargada.”
@ananavarro has her back back full of scars from all the miscalculations on Latinos in the 2016 election! Now she thinks she is got a shot underestimating the #BlackVoicesforTrump! Can she handle being wrong again after @realDonaldTrump victory in 2020? Idk!#CeguaAmargada
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Radio personality David Webb, who happens to be black, said of Navarro: “You’re an obnoxious self-important fraud who pushes identity politics just like [Areva Martin]. Being Hispanic doesn’t give you the right to insult blacks. We can think for ourselves.”
You're an obnoxious self-important fraud who pushes identity politics just like @ArevaMartin. Being Hispanic doesn't give you the right to insult blacks. We can think for ourselves. @CNN @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump twitter.com/SiriusXMPatrio …
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“Beware of Deep State Snakes like Porky The Pig masquerading around like a Republican but acting like a Democrat rat,” the pro-Trump duo shot back at Navarro. “Shame on her for insulting black people because they choose to think for themselves & make their own decision to ditch the Democrat Plantation. #StopbeingARacist.”
Beware of Deep State Snakes like Porky The Pig masquerading around like a Republican but acting like a Democrat rat. Shame on her for insulting black people because they choose to think for themselves & make their own decision to ditch the Democrat Plantation. #StopbeingARacist
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