On Saturday President Trump took to twitter to demand an investigation of Rep. Elijah Cummings and his corrupt and “rat infested” Maryland district.
Earlier in the day Republican Kimberly Klacik was on FOX and Friends to talk about her video of rat-infested neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Trump was watching — And tweeted out about it.
Democrats were outraged at President Trump for daring to call Baltimore a rat-infested city.
Of course, they said it was racist.
Of course, they said it was racist.
According to the Orkin pest control company Baltimore, Maryland is one of the “rattiest cities” in the United States.
And a huge rat ran through the live shot from Baltimore during story on Trump’s tweet.

Now this…
Despite the Democrat’s best efforts to paint Trump a racist following his remarks on the horrific conditions in Baltimore and other Democrat-run cities, President Trump’s polling numbers spiked with Black voters this week.
Rasmussen reported:
President Trump triggered a media firestorm when he criticized a longtime Democratic congressman’s job performance, saying his Baltimore district is “a rat and rodent infested mess” and “the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States.”The president has since pointed out that many of the country’s major cities have similar problems, and nearly all have been run for years by Democrats. Democratic leaders responded by calling Trump a racist, but media interviews in Baltimore and elsewhere found black residents asking the same questions the president is asking.Like most Republicans, Trump has struggled to attract black voters, but this week’s surveying for the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll has found a bump in black support for the president. Even with the +/-9 margin of error for the smaller sample, it’s a bump that has held up nearly all week.
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