Saturday 27 July 2019

Rand Paul Says Omar Is ‘Ungrateful as You Can Get,’ Offers To Pay for Somalia Trip

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has never been one to pull punches. That’s one of his calling cards and a reason politicians from both parties respect him.
So, it stands to reason he didn’t hold back when speaking his mind about Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar‘s lack of U.S. patriotism.
It could be argued that Omar, a native of Somalia and member of the far-left “squad” that also includes Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, is an easy target. But that doesn’t make her critics’ opinions of the freshman lawmaker any less valid. Omar tends to wear her anti-American bull’s-eye with peculiar pride, according to Washington Examiner.
Paul took her to task Wednesday during an interview with Breitbart.
“I hear Representative Omar say, ‘Oh, America is a terrible place. I thought there’d be justice and there’s no justice here,'” he said. “It’s like, she came here and we fed her, we clothed her, she got welfare, she got school, she got health care, and then lo and behold she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress, and she says we’re a terrible country. 
“I think that’s about as ungrateful as you can get.”
But Paul’s headline-worthy comment that stood out was his offer to purchase a flight to Somalia for Omar, in the hope she will temporarily return to her homeland and compare it to the U.S.
Perhaps then, the longtime senator suggested, she would have an epiphany and be less of an ingrate. 
“So while I’m not saying we forcibly send her anywhere, I’m willing to contribute to buy her a ticket to go visit Somalia,” Paul said, “and I think she could look and maybe learn a little about bit about the disaster that is Somalia, that has no capitalism, has no God-given rights guaranteed in a Constitution and has about seven different tribes that have been fighting each other for the last 40 years.
“And then maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while, she might come back and appreciate America more.”
Every week, it seems, Omar expresses her disdain for what she despises about America; perhaps she would save considerable time and energy by voicing only what she actually likes. 
Her latest gripe about this country came Thursday in an Op-Ed in The New York Times in which she wrote, “The America we arrived in was different from the one my grandfather had hoped to find. The land of opportunity he imagined in 1992 was in fact full of challenges. People identified me in ways that were foreign to me: immigrant, black. I learned that these identities carried stigmas, and I experienced prejudice as a visibly Muslim woman.”

It is improbable that Omar will take up the Kentucky senator on his generous offer. Since “the squad” members consider President Donald Trump and his opinions to be racist, they surely have the same mindset about Paul.

It’s a safe bet that were it not for Omar’s race card and identity politics, most Americans wouldn’t even know her name. That’s precisely why she keeps beating the same worn-out drum.

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