I think it’s more than fair to say these monsters have overstayed their welcome. I’ll venture to say they’ll never be invited back over again…
My mom made a huge dinner for my aunt and cousins. They showed up two hours late, told my mom “oh sorry the boys can’t eat that much right now” and just went in our fridge and made them sandwiches instead…
She invited a bunch of sleazy guys over, despite me asking her not to. She let them in while I was in the shower, so I did not realize they were in my house. She then took one into my housemate’s bedroom and locked the door (super disrespectful to my housemate who had so kindly offered that she could stay in her room as she was going to be at her boyfriend’s for the weekend).
When I got out of the shower one of the guys was in my bed! And I was like dude, get the fuck out of my bedroom. And he refused and said my friend said he could stay there. I was very not ok with that. I physically had to push him out of my house. The next day when she sobered up, I kicked her out of my house and did not speak to her for three years.
Had a drunk partygoer attempt to do pull-ups from the planks of my old ranch style ceiling just beneath the heater vent and ended up pulling down a large portion of my ceiling.
Refused to pay for it.
It was after an awful spinal surgery I went through when I was 12. They were cousins and my parents caught them trying to steal my painkillers.
Not house but an apartment in college. Roommate invited a bunch of people over one night. We each had our own bathroom, clearly marked. I go to get something from my room and hear obvious fucking in my bathroom. I knock on the door and say “wrong one, get the fuck out. After they came out I saw that they had cleaned themselves up on my nice white towels. Apparently, she was on her period.
Constantly unplugging electronics. First, it was the thermostat (she didn’t like the sound the water heater made) then the wifi (the CIA was snooping on her) and finally my fridge (she was saving the environment).
Friend must’ve seen me once put in the code for my spare key lockbox, and I came home to her IN my fucking house (mind you, we’re not close). Her excuse? She had to go to the toilet. Safe to say, I reset that shit and didn’t invite her over anymore. Weirded me out
My wife’s cousin was staying at our house because he as going through marital problems. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard some change rattling. He walks down the hall with my 5 year old’s piggy bank. He was taking money from my daughter’s fucking piggy bank to buy beer and smokes.
Moved all my stuff around to suit herself. She was staying for free in my home while I was gone.
Dude crapped his pants while sitting on my couch playing a video game and just sat there finishing the match. We were having an old-fashioned LAN party and the entire room cleared out!
We invited a group of people over for lunch. One of them arrived, put a bunch of food on a plate in a plastic container, and left to bring it to eat with her boyfriend.
Edit: I’m told she came back in and grabbed two beers from the fridge, which is when everyone realized what was going on
A friend from college days stayed in our house while he was looking for a job in the area. The only house rule was: Do NOT let the cat out – he’s strictly and indoor cat and never goes outdoors.
We came home one day and found the slider and screen open – our beloved cat was gone. When he saw how upset and distraught we were, his response was, “It’s only a cat – no big deal!”
As I’ve noted here some time ago, we put this guest out right away, and it wasn’t until many days later that our cat returned home (thin, but safe).
I was a kid my mom had a friend and her son over. They were over for a couple hours and just as they were leaving I noticed all of my video games were gone, I told my mom, she goes grabs his backpack and off course they were all in his bag.
His mother immediately came to his defense, saying he’s got a lot of games and must have thought they were his. It didn’t even make sense and she acted as if nothing had happened.
One night the girls who lived in the apartment across the hall brought a friend with them to hang with us. As soon as she walked in she screamed “this will be hilarious. College guys always get the shitty, hand me down dishes from their parents!”
She walked into the kitchen and began pulling out pans and dishes and howling about how old and ratty they were. Our friends were mortified. When they tried to talk to her she talked louder. After 30 seconds of this lunacy, my roommate and I told her to leave. She threw a giant fit and called us assholes.
Buddy from college was traveling through town and stayed with my wife and I for the weekend. Nothing crazy, hung out and remembered our college years. A few days after he left my guest bathroom reeked. Took a bit to figure out but finally discovered an upper decker left for us. Disgusting.
I rented a room to someone I knew since I was 12. He was using and selling H from my house. I found out and told him to GTFO. He was too lazy to use the bathroom and pissed in bottles (I didn’t know). Threw the piss all over the room before he left. Carved swastikas in my kid’s bunk bed I was letting him use.
A now EX girlfriend came into my parents home for only the second time and said to my mother “wow it’s tidy in here for a change haha” I could see in my mother’s eyes the thought process of how to slap her to the next century without making a scene, thankfully she laughed it off but that was a big red flag for me and my ex
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An old roommate pissed in my cat’s litter pan because “I deserved to clean up his piss.”. He was mad I wouldn’t pay his rent, for the 3rd month. Dickbag.
My sister’s old boyfriend from high school watched bestiality porn on our family computer and ended up making it unusable because of the amount of viruses it gave the computer. Lots of pictures and videos went missing and my dad’s childhood friend’s obituary too.
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