While we go about our daily thing, working 9-5, posting on the ‘gram, chasing our dreams, science keeps on moving forward to help make a better future. In fact, there are so many new breakthroughs in science that it’s hard to keep track of it all, and not a lot of it is getting the media attention it deserves.
Enter this Reddit thread, where an enterprising Redditor asked this all-important question: What are some recent scientific breakthroughs/discoveries that aren’t getting enough attention?
The future is bright.
Coral Vita
Restoring Coral Reefs
Microfragmentation- the scientific creation of coral ( take upto 25-30 years) done in 3 years! Helping the ocean and planet survive!
– u/zo_mol
The warehouse attached to my property is heavily invested in this. It’s really cool seeing the coral laid out under the huge specialist lights they have in there. Very futuristic industrial vibe.
– u/animus-orb
Microfragmentation- the scientific creation of coral ( take upto 25-30 years) done in 3 years! Helping the ocean and planet survive!
– u/zo_mol
The warehouse attached to my property is heavily invested in this. It’s really cool seeing the coral laid out under the huge specialist lights they have in there. Very futuristic industrial vibe.
– u/animus-orb
Learn more about microfragmentation HERE!
Curing Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia may start in your bone marrow. One guy got cured of schizophrenia by getting a bone marrow transplant
Schizophrenia may start in your bone marrow. One guy got cured of schizophrenia by getting a bone marrow transplant
And another guy got schizophrenia from a bone marrow transplant from his schizophrenic brother.
– u/HockeyCannon
– u/HockeyCannon
Ceiliac and Other Autoimmune Diseases
There’s a good chance there will be a cure for celiac disease within the next 10 years. There’s currently an active and ongoing clinical trial where participants (with diagnosed celiac) are getting infusions that will ultimately reverse the autoimmune response a person with celiac has when they consume gluten. It’s still far from complete, but we are closer than we’ve ever been to curing celiac disease.
– u/4thdrinkinstinct
There’s a good chance there will be a cure for celiac disease within the next 10 years. There’s currently an active and ongoing clinical trial where participants (with diagnosed celiac) are getting infusions that will ultimately reverse the autoimmune response a person with celiac has when they consume gluten. It’s still far from complete, but we are closer than we’ve ever been to curing celiac disease.
– u/4thdrinkinstinct
Tech Explorist
Mobile Skin Grafts
Pretty recently they started doing tests for an extremely mobile skin grafting machine. It use a kind of hydrogel out of the patient’s own skin, and scans the area of the burn then just prints out the skin.
– u/redthunder97
I saw a video a while ago about a guy who had a solution of skin cells airbrushedon the burn (mostly 2nd degree, IIRC). In 3-4 days he was healed with no scarring.
– u/Max_Vision
Pretty recently they started doing tests for an extremely mobile skin grafting machine. It use a kind of hydrogel out of the patient’s own skin, and scans the area of the burn then just prints out the skin.
– u/redthunder97
I saw a video a while ago about a guy who had a solution of skin cells airbrushedon the burn (mostly 2nd degree, IIRC). In 3-4 days he was healed with no scarring.
– u/Max_Vision
Blood Tests Replacing Biopsies
There’s a blood test that is more effective and ridiculously quicker at detecting some forms of lung cancer than a conventional, more intrusive tissue biopsy.
There’s a blood test that is more effective and ridiculously quicker at detecting some forms of lung cancer than a conventional, more intrusive tissue biopsy.
Safer Chemotherapy
My job came out with a drug that reduces the damage chemotherapy does to the body and helps regenerate blood cells faster, allowing for stronger doses to be administered and treatment scheduled to be reduced heavily.
My job came out with a drug that reduces the damage chemotherapy does to the body and helps regenerate blood cells faster, allowing for stronger doses to be administered and treatment scheduled to be reduced heavily.
This allows doctors to treat cancer more aggressively.
New Atlas
Creating Stronger Materials
Earlier this month, scientists were able to successfully weld glass and metal together using ultrafast (on the order of picoseconds, which are such a short unit of time that compared to it, a full second might as well be 30,000 years) laser pulses. This hasn’t been successfully done before due to the very different thermal properties of glass and metal. This is actually a pretty big breakthrough in manufacturing and could lead to stronger yet lighter materials.
– u/Metlman13
Earlier this month, scientists were able to successfully weld glass and metal together using ultrafast (on the order of picoseconds, which are such a short unit of time that compared to it, a full second might as well be 30,000 years) laser pulses. This hasn’t been successfully done before due to the very different thermal properties of glass and metal. This is actually a pretty big breakthrough in manufacturing and could lead to stronger yet lighter materials.
– u/Metlman13
More Efficient MRIs
You can now do an entire hours worth of MRI scan within 70 seconds because of Swedish researchers who did some coding magic. It’ll be super exciting to see this thing roll out across the world in the coming years
– u/NettleGnome
You can now do an entire hours worth of MRI scan within 70 seconds because of Swedish researchers who did some coding magic. It’ll be super exciting to see this thing roll out across the world in the coming years
– u/NettleGnome
Content Lab
Carbon Capture
That we have figured out how to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and now, very recently, how to turn it into solid flakes of carbon again. And not just under higly specific and expensive lab conditions, this process is apparently scalable.
That we have figured out how to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and now, very recently, how to turn it into solid flakes of carbon again. And not just under higly specific and expensive lab conditions, this process is apparently scalable.
We still need to curb emissions but this does flip the equation quite a bit regarding global warming, allowing us to put some of the toothpaste back into the tube so to speak.
Coupled with wind and solar energy, I predict this will become a major industry by mid-century, and very pure carbon an abundant material.
– u/einarfridgeirs
– u/einarfridgeirs
New Kind of Killer Whale
Don’t know if anyone has pointed this one out… but pretty certain scientists have discovered a new species of orcas that live in sub-Antarctic waters. They are calling it the “Type-D Orca”… pretty cool looking animals. More rounded heads… smaller white eye patches… taller, narrower dorsal fins… being a soon to be marine biology grad, this excites me!
– u/g_citrano
Don’t know if anyone has pointed this one out… but pretty certain scientists have discovered a new species of orcas that live in sub-Antarctic waters. They are calling it the “Type-D Orca”… pretty cool looking animals. More rounded heads… smaller white eye patches… taller, narrower dorsal fins… being a soon to be marine biology grad, this excites me!
– u/g_citrano
The Stomach Really is a Second Brain
Any breakthrough about your stomach being a second brain makes me happy. Be it bacteria, inflammation, etc. causing all the anxiety in your head. And people with ibs having more cases of anxiety/depression.
– u/julesasner
I’m a PhD student in a lab doing gut-brain axis research and it’s crazy to me how few people outside the scientific community know that’s even a thing. Trying to explain my research to family is always a nightmare because I have to start from “so there are bacteria in your GI tract, and signals from your gut influence things in your brain” and never manage to work up to what I actually do because that blows people away
– u/lilbroccoli13
Any breakthrough about your stomach being a second brain makes me happy. Be it bacteria, inflammation, etc. causing all the anxiety in your head. And people with ibs having more cases of anxiety/depression.
– u/julesasner
I’m a PhD student in a lab doing gut-brain axis research and it’s crazy to me how few people outside the scientific community know that’s even a thing. Trying to explain my research to family is always a nightmare because I have to start from “so there are bacteria in your GI tract, and signals from your gut influence things in your brain” and never manage to work up to what I actually do because that blows people away
– u/lilbroccoli13
New Teeth
Science can regrow our teeth now.
– u/LadyKammatic
Science can regrow our teeth now.
– u/LadyKammatic
Ancient Civilizations Were Capable of Far More Than we Know
Göbekli Tepe – ruin discovered in Turkey that dates back to 11000 BCE, or further. This throws a massive wrench into our understanding of what people were capable of at that time, and hints at advanced civilizations having likely existed long before we thought they did. It has also only been about 10% excavated.
– u/KCG0005
I’ve actually read some articles over the past few weeks about archaeologists using LIDAR technology to uncover Mayan ruins, and they’ve found that Mayan civilization was much more extensive than originally assumed; at its height, its now believed that its population may have numbered near 15 million citizens, and that they engaged in extensive trade with their neighbors to the North and South; these LIDAR scans have revealed evidence of vast cities, farmlands and roadways. And this was all without any pack animals or wheeled carts.
– u/Metlman13
Göbekli Tepe – ruin discovered in Turkey that dates back to 11000 BCE, or further. This throws a massive wrench into our understanding of what people were capable of at that time, and hints at advanced civilizations having likely existed long before we thought they did. It has also only been about 10% excavated.
– u/KCG0005
I’ve actually read some articles over the past few weeks about archaeologists using LIDAR technology to uncover Mayan ruins, and they’ve found that Mayan civilization was much more extensive than originally assumed; at its height, its now believed that its population may have numbered near 15 million citizens, and that they engaged in extensive trade with their neighbors to the North and South; these LIDAR scans have revealed evidence of vast cities, farmlands and roadways. And this was all without any pack animals or wheeled carts.
– u/Metlman13
Psychedelics Sway
MDMA can Help Cure PTSD
If the final trials go well (they are predicted to and the previous trials have done), MDMA-assisted psychotherapy will soon be an FDA-approved treatment for PTSD. It is administered in a couple of doses over a few weeks and has lifelong effects.
– u/aprilscarlet
As well as for PTSD, it’d be excellent if they could find a way for MDMA to be used in therapy for anxiety and depression. As someone who struggles with both, MDMA has been the best thing I’ve ever tried.
– u/AbhorrentIngestion
If the final trials go well (they are predicted to and the previous trials have done), MDMA-assisted psychotherapy will soon be an FDA-approved treatment for PTSD. It is administered in a couple of doses over a few weeks and has lifelong effects.
– u/aprilscarlet
As well as for PTSD, it’d be excellent if they could find a way for MDMA to be used in therapy for anxiety and depression. As someone who struggles with both, MDMA has been the best thing I’ve ever tried.
– u/AbhorrentIngestion
Mosquitos hate EDM
Skrillex stops mosquitos from having sex.
Skrillex stops mosquitos from having sex.
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