Friday 18 May 2018

Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling Competition

Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling is a crazy game. In this annual event a round of Double Gloucester cheese is rolled down the Cooper’s Hill, near Gloucester in the Cotswolds region of England, and competitors flung themselves at it, racing down the steep hillside. The first person to catch the cheese or reach the finish line wins the cheese.
Traditionally this game was by and for the people of the local village, but now people from over the world take part. The tradition is said to be 200 years old.
Due to the steepness and uneven surface of the hill the risk of injury is high and often serious. A group of paramedics and volunteers and a couple of ambulances are stationed at the bottom of the hill ready to carry the injured away to the hospital. The Sydney Morning Herald once summarized the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling has as "twenty young men chase a cheese off a cliff and tumble 200 yards to the bottom, where they are scraped up by paramedics and packed off to hospital".
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