When we think about signs that our heart is unhealthy, sudden chest pain is usually the first thing that comes to mind. As it turns out, there are many signs that you’re headed down the dark path of having heart complications. And many of these signs have nothing to do with your chest at all.
Here are the startling signs you could die from heart complications.
You have a crease in your earlobe

One of the most shocking and bizarre signs of heart complications comes from an unlikely body part — your ears. Scientists have found that having a crease or wrinkle through the middle of your earlobe, which is due to a change in blood vessels, could indicate that a similar change in vessels is occurring around the heart. While this a still only a theory, the ear could be pivotal in helping to identify heart disease.
You snore. A lot.

Snoring is probably the loudest indicator that something is wrong with your heart. Sawing logs can be a symptom of sleep apnea — a condition marked by pauses in breathing that happen throughout the night and interrupt your sleep. Sleep apnea also raises your blood pressure, putting you at a higher risk for an attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
You have constant stomach pain

You might not think that your stomach and heart are that closely connected. In fact, stomach pain and a loss of appetite can be signs that you are going to have a heart attack. During an attack, your stomach can hurt so bad that you feel sick enough to vomit.
You’re always exhausted

One of the most telling signs of congestive heart failure is that you feel exhausted — all the time. This occurs when your heart isn’t getting enough oxygen, which can often be caused by plaque build-up in your arteries. Feelings of exhaustion may also be accompanied by chest pain. (More on that a bit later.)
You have frequent dizzy spells

Heart complications are often preceded by dizziness. WebMD tells us that a drop in blood pressure when someone stands up causes the feeling of light-headedness. They also point out that recognizing this symptom can help doctors spot heart failure early.
You have a chronic cough

Have a bad hack that just won’t go away? It could be telling you something about your heart. In fact, fluid build-up in the lungs accompanied by coughing and wheezing is one of the telltale signs of congestive heart failure, Heart Rhythm Society tells us.
There is pain in your throat

That’s right — your throat could be telling you that there is something wrong with your heart. In some cases, pain in your chest becomes so extreme that it spreads up into your throat, or even your jaw. If the pain is this severe and travels up that high into your face, you should immediately call 911.
You’re nauseated all the time

All the pain that you are experiencing in different parts of your body will probably leave you feeling nauseous. As Health points out, this sick feeling is often accompanied by a sudden rush of anxiety. Talk to your doctor if these symptoms happen often — it could very well be heart-related.
You have swollen ankles and feet

The feet seem like they are awfully far away from your heart, right? Nevertheless, they are excellent indicators of how healthy your heart is. When your heart isn’t pumping properly, blood flow slows and builds up in the veins in your legs. Fluid retention in the abdomen is also a common sign of a poorly-beating heart.
You’re confused

Sounds crazy, right? How can an episode of confusion be telling you something about your heart? The American Heart Association explains that “changing levels of certain substances in the blood, such as sodium, can cause confusion.” Feeling disoriented and experiencing memory loss are also signs of heart trouble.
You feel like you have indigestion

As we previously discussed, a heart attack may be preceded by stomach pain. But the pain doesn’t even have to be sharp — any discomfort in the upper-abdominal region, like that of indigestion, can be a sign that you’re at high risk of having a heart attack. It is also possible to feel that discomfort in your back, like with gas pain.
You sweat profusely

We aren’t talking about dripping in sweat after a long workout. We mean perspiration from doing little to no activity. A heart attack may be preceded by flu-like symptoms, even though you don’t have a fever and aren’t actually sick. In the event that you start sweating a ton for no reason, you should get yourself to the hospital. Or call for help.
There is pain shooting down your arm

A surefire sign of a heart attack is tingling down your left arm. But you can also foresee heart problems if your arm hurts ahead of an attack actually taking place. As Livestrong.com explains, it can be hard to determine whether arm pain is actually heart-related. However, if it is accompanied by other heart-related symptoms, then you could be at serious risk of a heart attack.
You experience frequent heartburn

Heartburn can be a tricky factor, in that some people might mistake heart attack symptoms for heartburn. “Heartburn, angina and heart attack may feel very much alike,” Mayo Clinic says. “Even experienced doctors can’t always tell the difference from your medical history and a physical exam.” Any heartburn-like symptoms that regularly pop up without warning should clue you in that you need to go see a doctor — even if the symptoms subside within a few hours.
You experience chest discomfort

Not surprisingly, an ache in your chest could be the first sign that you are doomed to have heart complications. As Harvard Health points out, however, chronic chest discomfort could be a sign for other health problems. (Pneumonia and pancreatitis are just a couple other conditions.) But don’t try diagnosing yourself. Head to the doctors immediately if chest pain is an issue. Your heart will thank you later.
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