Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Fascinating Photos Collected From History (19 pics)

Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, somewhere in Arkansas, USA, circa 1933

The only known photo of Albert Einstein with his E=MC^2 equation – 1934

Adolf Hitler visits the tomb of Napoleon at Les Invalides, Paris, France (1940)

A German dispatch dog carries messages to the front line during a German offensive in January 1918

Oldest known photo of a tornado, taken about 20 miles SW of Howard, South Dakota, United States. (August 28th, 1884)

Prostitutes in Can Tho, Vietnam, 1970 by Philip Jones Griffith

Harassment during a civil rights sit-in at the Cherrydale Drug Fair in Arlington, VA June 10, 1960

Billy the Kid, 1879

East Germans crossing into West Berlin check out western pornography, the day after the fall of the Berlin Wall, November 10, 1989

Spectators at a slave auction in the town square of Easton, Maryland, c. 1850’s

Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio at the Fairmont Banff Hotel in Banff, Canada, five months before their wedding. August 19, 1953

Rasputin and groupies. Gorokhovo street flat, Saint Petersburg, 1914

SS officer initiation – 1938

The moment of detonation at Nagasaki August 9, 1945

Recording an episode of “Gang Busters”, true crime radio show, New York, 1930’s

Authenticated photo of Jesse James and Robert Ford, ca.1880’s

152 mm Howitzer battery fires during Belorussian Strategic Offensive Operation, 1944.

Eva Braun at the Berghof, undated

PFC Richie sniffs at the delicate perfume of his girlfriend in Jay, Oklahoma, as he opens her letter in Vietnam, April 12, 1966

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