The Ottawa Police took an oath to “protect and serve” the citizens, but they looked more like common thieves or even East German Stasi than public servants last night.
First, they were caught stealing fuel donated to the Canadian Truckers, who are part of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy.
And now— they’re stealing their firewood!
The Freedom Convoy protestors who are peacefully trying to call attention to the actions of the petty tyrants watched in freezing temperatures as the Ottawa Police officers literally stole one of their only sources of heat.
It’s worth noting that even though the police are stealing their wood, the protesters remain calm and non-violent, as they have throughout the protests across Canada. Despite the false narrative Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has attempted to spread about the truckers and their supporters, they continue to peacefully persevere.
Protesters even made light of the Ottawa Police stealing fuel from the truckers and arresting those who delivered gas to them in “jerry cans,” as hundreds of protesters played a hilarious shell game with the Ottawa Police. Protesters, including small children and families, filled the streets of Ottawa with empty jerry cans, cans filled with water, and cans filled with fuel, leaving it up to the police officers to track them down and decide which cans were filled with fuel and which ones were decoys.
Sadly, the video showing the Ottawa Police stealing firewood from protesters whose superiors are intentionally trying to freeze out is functioning more as the Ottawa “goon squads” than as Ottawa Police officers.
As a former American Police Officer, it’s hard to watch Ottawa Police officers stealing fuel and firewood from the Truckers. I am disgusted at the behavior of these “law enforcement officers” in Canada [Yes–there are some of us who genuinely believe in protecting the rights of the people–from both everyday criminals and those “super” criminals that rise up inside authoritarian governments].

The Ottawa “Police” are beginning to act more like the East German Stasi each passing day. The former party members and heads of Communist East Germany [GDR] would be so proud of them! After all— they too were “just following orders”!
It is easy to see where Justin Castro Trudeau gets his inspiration.
Those issuing these “orders” might also want to remember what happened to those GDR “authorities” after the Berlin Wall came down. Just like Canadians today, the oppressed people of the GDR arose and said “NO MORE”!
I am sure there are good police officers inside the Ottawa Police Service. Like the Truckers, NOW is the time for them to stand up and call out their authoritarian “leaders.”
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